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Team Overview: Performance Plus Rehabilitation Center

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Missouri State Championship Time Trial (Aug 6 2016)

Pamela Smith Women Masters 50-54 Open 2 / 5

Valley of the Sun Stage Race - GC (Feb 14 2016)

Cale Smith Men Junior 15-16 16 / 35

Valley of the Sun Stage Race - Crit (Feb 14 2016)

Cale Smith Men Junior 15-16 15 / 35

Valley of the Sun Stage Race - RR (Feb 13 2016)

Cale Smith Men Junior 15-16 14 / 35
Allyn Smith Men Cat 4 30 / 53

Valley of the Sun Stage Race - TT (Feb 12 2016)

Cale Smith Men Junior 15-16 16 / 35
Allyn Smith Men Cat 4 7 / 54

Missouri State Championship Time Trial (Aug 8 2015)

Allyn Smith Men Masters 45-49 2 / 7

Missouri State Championship Time Trial (Aug 8 2015)

Allyn Smith Men Masters 45-49 2 / 7

Highly Falkner South Mountain Time Trial (May 9 2015)

Tod Smith Men Category 3 5 / 5
Cale Smith Men Masters 45-49 5 / 5

Hillside Road Race (Apr 18 2015)

Allyn Smith Men 45-54 Master 13 / 19

Valley of the Sun Stage Race - GC (Feb 15 2015)

Allyn Smith Men Master 45+ 40 / 51
Cale Smith Men Junior 15-16 15 / 39

Valley of the Sun Stage Race - Crit (Feb 15 2015)

Allyn Smith Men Master 45+ 42 / 51
Cale Smith Men Junior 15-16 24 / 39

Valley of the Sun Stage Race - RR (Feb 14 2015)

Allyn Smith Men Master 45+ 44 / 52
Cale Smith Men Junior 15-16 12 / 42

Valley of the Sun Stage Race - TT (Feb 13 2015)

Allyn Smith Men Master 45+ 18 / 57
Cale Smith Men Junior 15-16 16 / 43

O'Fallon Grand Prix (Jun 14 2014)

Pamela Smith Women Cat 3/4 Open 30 / 35

O'Fallon Grand Prix TT (Jun 13 2014)

Pamela Smith Women Cat 3/4 Open 4 / 18

Busiest Racers

in last months
Allyn Smith 9
Cale Smith 9
Tod Smith 1
Pamela Smith 1