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American Continental Championships - XCM • Jun 9 2024 • Goianá - MG, Brazil
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By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Sebastian Andres Gesche antona 3:24:31
2 Jose Gabriel Marques de almeida 3:25:06
3 Bruno Martins lemes 3:26:40
4 Cristian Luis Lazzari 3:29:28
5 Edson Gilmar De rezende junior 3:29:29
6 Facundo Jesus Perez costa 3:29:30
7 Nicolas Rafhael Amancio romao machado 3:29.31
8 Luiz Miguel Campos honorio 3:29:43
9 Sherman Trezza de paiva 3:30:01
10 Willian Fernando Tobay mogrovejo 3:31:41
11 Flávio De jesus lobo neto 3:33:55
12 Kennedi Sampaio de oliveira lago 3:33:56
13 Ricardo Alexandre Pscheidt 3:33:57
14 Raphael Mesquita mendes 3:34:00
15 Rubens Donizete valeriano 3:34:03
16 Leandro Donizete Dos santos 3:35:51
17 Lucio Otavio Soares 3:36:49
18 Alonso Miguel GAMERO ZÚÑIGA 3:39:06
19 Rodrigo Silva rosa 3:39:06
20 Ygor Do nascimento castro 3:40:23
21 Lian Carlos olczyk 3:40:24
22 Francisco Matheus Martins da silva 3:40:24
23 Diogo Do nascimento castro 3:40:29
24 Gustavo Roma de oliveira filho 3:42:44
25 Sebastian Miranda maldonado 3:42:44
26 Vinicius Silva dos santos 3:44:06
27 Carlos Alberto Fernandes olimpio 3:44:08
28 Miguel Armando Jerez areco 3:47:41
29 Robson Ferreira da silva 3:48:30
30 Raúl Aguilera vasquez 3:49:26
31 René MUÑOZ PEREZ 3:52:34
32 Lazaro Jesus Moreira 3:52:44
33 Selton Martins de souza junior 3:54:36
34 Pedro NUÑEZ RETAMAL 3:55:55
35 Vitor De andrade bento 3:55:59
36 Marcos Levy Nascimento da matta 3:56:47
37 Patricio Campbell vilches 4:01:55
38 Gustavo Puelker de paula eduardo 4:02:26
39 Adenilson Romares Da silva 4:03:17
40 Diego Fernando Dahlke 4:04:01
41 Mark Kransz 4:14:00
42 Antonio Augusto Alves boaventura fonseca 4:16:31
43 Victor Cortes vargas 4:18:45
44 Marcelo Pereira rodrigues 4:25:05
45 Luiz Fernando Ferreira dos santos 4:26:53
46 João Marcelo Lippi passos 4:39:03
47 Eduardo Camargo cordeiro 4:57:25
48 Marcelo Florentino soares 5:02:39
49 Wanderson Aparecido Da silva 5:05:08
50 Arlison Givigi bento 5:39:38
51 Andre Luiz Vianna LAP
52 Otavio Queiroz de souza DNF
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Karen Fernandes olimpio 4:14:59
2 Michela Adriana Molina arizaga 4:25:58
3 Isabella Moreira lacerda grossi 4:27:34
4 Liege Da silva walter 4:32:13
5 Raiza Goulao henrique 4:35:16
6 Luiza Euzebio de souza 4:36:26
7 Ana Laura Oliveira moraes 4:37:34
8 Mariana Rojas barrueto 4:38:48
9 Gabriele Eduarda Krol 4:40:12
10 Leticia Jaqueline Soares candido 4:41:39
11 Ana Luisa Korc panini 4:47:41
12 Daniele Rios santana 4:51:26
13 Pilar Corvalan bustos 4:53:30
14 Abigail Snyder 4:54:24
15 Alice Karine Vriesman 4:56:41
16 Andrea Yuvancic vargas 4:58:14
17 Vania Valkhyria Cisneros rafael 5:01:20
18 Paula Regina Novais gallan 5:06:47
19 Lauren Zimmer 6:07:01
20 Luiza Cocuzzi DNF