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Spanish National Championships - DHI • Jul 28 2024 • La Pinilla (Segovia), ESP
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By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Daniel Castellanos liberal 00:02:24.1
2 Angel Suarez alonso 00:02:24.4
3 Pau Menoyo busquets 00:02:26.3
4 Ignasi Jorba prats 00:02:26.8
5 Oriol Cuadrat castells 00:02:28.5
6 Yelco Romero boulandier 00:02:28.5
7 Ignacio Garcia ayora 00:02:29.7
8 Edgar Carballo gonzalez 00:02:30.3
9 Orion Kirchmayer lopez 00:02:30.7
10 Iraitz Etxebarria etxebarria 00:02:31.4
11 Ton RUSIÑOL SALA 00:02:32.7
12 Nacho Ballester ferrer 00:02:33.2
13 Juan Guillamon fabregat 00:02:33.3
14 Oriol Llaudo crespo 00:02:33.5
15 Rafael Luis Bascon cesar 00:02:33.7
16 Jorge Rey heras 00:02:34.4
17 Adrian Gonzalez grimau 00:02:35.3
18 Bruno Jimenez andreus 00:02:35.7
19 Marco Veiga amado 00:02:36.5
20 Dani Tell sanchez 00:02:36.9
21 Hector Quinteiro lorenzo 00:02:38.1
22 Oxel Minguez zangitu 00:02:38.5
23 Gabriel Alonso alonso 00:02:38.9
24 Jon Munitxa arrinda 00:02:38.9
25 Mario Valsero manchado 00:02:39.1
26 Owen Bradley soutar 00:02:39.2
27 David BOSCH NUÑEZ 00:02:39.7
28 Jorge Garcia vidal 00:02:39.9
29 Ivan Oulego moreno 00:02:40.0
30 Guillem Jorba prats 00:02:40.1
31 Guillermo Tovar gallego 00:02:40.4
32 Xavier Andreu burguera 00:02:40.4
33 Antonio Royo blesa 00:02:40.5
34 Xabier Ruiz martinez de alegria 00:02:40.9
35 Mika Rodon del amo 00:02:41.4
36 Kevin Xoel Mendez bouza 00:02:41.8
37 Hugo ROSENDO PIÑEIRO 00:02:41.8
38 Alvaro Martinez haro 00:02:42.5
39 Guillermo CAÑAS PAJARES 00:02:42.8
40 Jordi Simo cervera 00:02:44.3
41 Alejandro Jesus Alcojor ramos 00:02:44.3
42 Luis Zarco jimenez 00:02:44.6
43 Asier Herrero ortega 00:02:45.1
44 Francisco Mato ruiz 00:02:45.3
45 Sergio Peleteiro corredoira 00:02:46.0
46 Raul Romero perez 00:02:47.2
47 Markel Zabala alberdi 00:02:48.9
48 Diego Menendez gonzalez 00:02:48.9
49 Marco Fernandez garcia 00:02:49.2
50 Xoel Pereira rial 00:02:49.5
51 Lucas CIUDAD PIÑEIRO 00:02:51.1
52 Marcos Gracia aguilar 00:02:51.3
53 Luis Niceas Martinez diez 00:02:51.9
54 Oriol Guerrero vadell 00:02:52.2
55 Xabi Urdanpilleta etxebeste 00:02:52.4
56 Ayrton Suarez santana 00:02:52.6
57 Hugo Fernandez blanco 00:02:52.8
58 Cristian Jimenez reig 00:02:53.1
59 Jorge Sanchez diaz 00:02:53.2
60 Andres Litran hurtado 00:02:53.6
61 Jorge Gabriel Santana jimenez 00:02:54.3
62 Jose Ignacio Cerezo arias 00:02:54.6
63 Falu Kirchmayer lopez 00:02:55.5
64 Eduard RIPOLL OCAÑA 00:02:55.8
65 Mario Perez cano 00:02:56.2
66 Jose Antonio Diez arriola 00:02:56.5
67 Alejandro Rodriguez vidal 00:02:56.8
68 Adrian Gago tobal 00:02:58.0
69 Jose Luis Reina raya 00:02:58.9
70 Sergio Heras berezo 00:02:59.0
71 Javier Baena ariza 00:03:00.2
72 Miguel Gimenez arasanz 00:03:01.2
73 Gorka Iriarte davila 00:03:02.5
74 Alvaro Lopez rodriguez 00:03:04.6
75 Diego MUÑOZ GOMEZ 00:03:06.7
76 Eduardo De zabala cabezas 00:03:08.1
77 Eñaut Lasaga altzua 00:03:08.8
78 Javier Gomez rodriguez 00:03:09.8
79 Juan Llorente valverde 00:03:11.1
80 Asier Leon aranguren 00:03:12.7
81 Gerard Sanchez cifre 00:03:14.3
82 Victor ROMO MUÑOZ 00:03:15.3
83 Daniel Sancho cerro 00:03:19.9
84 Pablo Andres ezpeleta 00:03:21.6
84 Guillermo Fernandez torcal 00:03:21.6
86 Iker Gil muro 00:03:22.0
87 Guillem RIPOLL OCAÑA 00:03:24.7
88 Arturo Rodriguez marcos 00:03:26.9
89 Jacobo Rodriguez rivo 00:03:29.9
90 Borja Tejero machero 00:03:33.5
91 Jeroni Riera sureda 00:03:39.2
92 Gonzalo Corchuelo garcia 00:03:40.1
93 Lucas Arrudi mimbrera 00:03:54.2
94 Jacobo Morata orellana 00:03:58.3
95 Alberto Cruz gonzalez 00:04:02.4
96 Jorge Rodriguez navas 00:07:16.2
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Cristina Menendez gonzalez 00:03:03.2
2 Kira Zamora novales 00:03:04.1
3 Sara Yusto sanchez 00:03:07.1
4 Zoe Zamora novales 00:03:12.4
5 Natalia Menendez gonzalez 00:03:13.2
6 Mireia Pi madrenas 00:03:16.0
7 Telma Torregrosa sancho 00:03:27.9
8 Marta Garcia moya 00:03:31.0
9 Lara Palacio blasco 00:03:31.0
10 Candela Ruiz obeso 00:03:39.3
11 Miriam Suarez rodriguez 00:03:40.3
12 Virginia Garcia-loygorri arias 00:03:42.7
13 Ines Chinchilla martin 00:03:44.1
14 Ruth Frutos romeu 00:03:45.5
15 Desiree Fernandez rey 00:04:14.1
16 Alexia SANTERVAS ACUÑA 00:04:22.0
17 Zahara Saez vendrell 00:04:45.8
18 Maria Silva hornos 00:05:13.0