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Scarborough Crit Series #1 • Apr 8 2018 • Scarborough, Me
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By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Chris Dsida Downeast Racing
2 Fred Thomas A-D Racing
3 Travis Kroot Project 207
4 Matthew Robinson
5 George Theall Portland Velo Club
6 Jeremy Wilson Slipping Gears Racing
7 Anthony Giguere BMB RACING
8 Camden Black-ingersoll Downeast Racing Teammate Win: Chris Dsida
9 Guillermo Herrera Downeast Racing Teammate Win: Chris Dsida
10 Christopher Poulin Tall Sock Racing
11 Christopher Darling
12 Jason Yannelli USMES
13 Steve Mcgrath
14 Andrew Page Project 207 Teammate Top 5: Travis Kroot
15 Ryan Littlefield
16 Scott White Maine Cycling Club / Rainbow Bike C
17 Matt Moon Downeast Racing Teammate Win: Chris Dsida
18 Don Seib BMB RACING
19 Alec Cunningham Race CF
20 Shayne Gaffney Comprehensive Racing
21 Andy Haskell
22 Eliot Pitney Downeast Racing Teammate Win: Chris Dsida
23 Zev Myerowitz Downeast Racing Teammate Win: Chris Dsida
24 Joseph Lynch Downeast Racing Teammate Win: Chris Dsida
25 Travis Dixon Downeast Racing Teammate Win: Chris Dsida
Finishers: Cat 1: 3   Cat 2: 6   Cat 3: 14   Cat 4: 1   Cat ?: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Peter Morrison Portland Velo Club
2 Hugh Kenny Downeast Racing
3 Dylan Whitcraft Downeast Racing
4 Christopher Devine Project 207
5 Michael Waldroup Tall Sock Racing
6 Christopher Barr Tallsock Racing
7 Carl Devincent Comprehensive Racing
8 Erik Saunders Mad Alchemy | Zanconato
9 Adam Lampton Portland Velo Club Teammate Win: Peter Morrison
10 John Baldwin Portland Velo Club Teammate Win: Peter Morrison
11 Nathaniel Smith Portland Velo Club Teammate Win: Peter Morrison
12 Alex Miller Portland Velo Club Teammate Win: Peter Morrison
13 Sean Gribbin State p Racing p/b Vitoria
14 Ian Coveny Engine Room Velo
15 John Kasbohn Northampton Cycling Club
16 Sean Mohan
17 Liam Somers Tall Sock Racing Teammate Top 5: Michael Waldroup
18 Evan Arthur
19 Mark Carpenter Portland Velo Club Teammate Win: Peter Morrison
20 Travis Pryor Portland Velo Club Teammate Win: Peter Morrison
21 Thomas Kespest
22 Mike Stivaletti Tall Sock Racing Teammate Top 5: Michael Waldroup
23 James Whelan Tall Sock Racing Teammate Top 5: Michael Waldroup
24 Sebastian Bluestone Bates College
25 Kent Ryan Tall Sock Racing Teammate Top 5: Michael Waldroup
26 Benjamin Ho Tall Sock Racing Teammate Top 5: Michael Waldroup
27 Cole Williams
28 Adam York
29 Keenan Miller Gould Academy
30 Peter Galloway
31 Steve Giguere
32 Daniel Strodel Bowdoin College
33 Daniel Leland Portland Velo Club Teammate Win: Peter Morrison
34 Jordan Stebbins Tall Sock Racing Teammate Top 5: Michael Waldroup
35 Tim Hey
36 John Kasbohn Northampton Cycling Club
37 Brad Ravenelle Bates College
38 Paul Niehoff Portland Velo Club Teammate Win: Peter Morrison
39 Richard Beaudoin
40 Josh Dyer Maine Cycling Club
DNF Christian Ratliff Tall Sock Racing Teammate Top 5: Michael Waldroup
DNF Adam Schwengler Portland Velo Club Teammate Win: Peter Morrison
DNF Dustin Moyer Slipping Gears Racing
DNF Jason Neal Slipping Gears Racing
DNF Michael Benson Bikeman.com
DNF Greg O'connor
DNF Nathan Kenison-morum
DNF Russell Williams Portland Velo Club Teammate Win: Peter Morrison
Finishers: Cat 3: 1   Cat 4: 22   Cat 5: 11   Cat ?: 14  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Laura Campbell Rainbow Bike
2 Susan Mcdonough BMB Racing
3 Ellen Jankawski Moxie Racing Colonial
4 Margaret Conley Bowdoin College
5 Alanna Doughty Portland Velo Club
6 Casey Beaudoin
7 Katie Neal Slipping Gears Racing
8 Ashley Stanton niehoff
9 Debra Macbride
DNF Christina Campion
DNF Anne Torrez Tri It Your Way Coaching
Finishers: Cat 2: 1   Cat 4: 2   Cat 5: 1   Cat ?: 7