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Peter Teeuwen Mem Time Trial #2 • Aug 12 2012
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By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Daniel King Cutaway/3sports 0:48:17
2 Gene Fowler Hilton Head Cycling Final Kick / p 0:48:57
Finishers: Cat 1: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Dan Netzer Celerity Cycling p/b Brooks Systems 0:46:07
2 Frank Cundiff Celerity Cycling p/b Brooks Systems 0:47:28 Teammate Win: Dan Netzer
3 Jacob King Hot Tubes Development Team 0:48:23
Finishers: Cat 2: 2   Cat 3: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Sebastian Byers ABRT 0:51:27
2 Matt Keane Fat Frogs Racing 0:49:10
3 Mark Ladow Richmond Velo Sport 0:49:31
4 John Gray Virginia Beach Wheelmen 0:50:35
5 Joe Altomare Celerity Cycling p/b Brooks Systems 0:50:35
Finishers: Cat 3: 5  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Christopher Clarke Richmond Velo Sport 0:50:39
2 Charles Langley Fat Frogs Racing 0:50:48
3 Stefan Blomkvist Hilton cycling club 0:50:55
4 Craig Lauinger NCVC/UnitedHealthcare 0:51:50
5 Chris Scales unattached 0:53:04
Finishers: Cat 4: 4   Cat 5: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Hugo Ramirez 0:49:14
2 Matt Mlachak 0:51:20
3 Chris Karmilovich Celerity Cycling p/b Brooks Systems 0:51:55
4 Christopher Kurtz Team Kainer 0:52:12
5 Christapher Lang 0:53:52
6 Daniel Spagone Fat Frogs Racing 0:54:38
7 Alan Dawkins JRVS/ American Pride Automotive 0:55:47
8 Erik Petzing Dire Wolf Racing 0:56:09
9 John Dragseth 0:56:17
10 Michael Mcgee Unattached 0:56:33
11 Edward Torres Fat Frogs Racing 1:03:14
Finishers: Cat 3: 1   Cat 5: 8   Cat ?: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Thomas Carey Fat Frogs Racing 0:15:54
2 Zachary Greiber Fat Frogs Racing 0:20:21 Teammate Win: Thomas Carey
3 Christopher Carey Fat Frogs Racing 0:28:51 Teammate Win: Thomas Carey
Finishers: Cat 2: 1   Cat 5: 1   Cat ?: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Darrell Marion Richmond Velo Sports 0:48:19
2 Andres De marchena Fat Frog's Elite Racing 0:50:05
3 Michael Hosang TPC p/b CONTES VB 0:50:08
Finishers: Cat 2: 2   Cat 5: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Ted Michaels Evolution Cycling Club p/b Long & F 0:46:05
2 Ed Baumgartner Richmond Velo Sport 0:49:59
3 Mitch Ferro Evolution Cycling Club p/b Long & F 0:50:29 Teammate Win: Ted Michaels
4 Marty Downs Tupelo Bicycle Club 0:53:24
5 Terry Fuller Firefighters Cycling Association 0:59:19
Finishers: Cat 2: 1   Cat 3: 2   Cat 4: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Roger Friend Monticello Velo Club 0:46:08
2 Matthew Robins unattached 0:48:02
3 Ray Plewacki Evolution Cycling Club p/b Long & F 0:48:28
4 Craig Guensch Evolution Cycling Club p/b Long & F 0:48:53
5 Mark King cutaway / 3 sports/ tridim 0:50:04
6 Steve Owens Annapolis Bicycle Racing Team 0:51:23
7 William Bond Fat Frogs Racing 0:51:24
8 Dana Mellerio Squadra Coppi/Vapiano USA 0:51:45
9 Wesley King Richmond Velo Sport 0:52:18
10 Todd Miller TPC p/b CONTES VB 0:53:00
11 Gerald Wojcik Hilton Cycling Club 0:53:48
12 Ted Harris ABRT 0:54:29
13 Gregg Gammon Team Carytown Bicycles 0:54:47
Finishers: Cat 2: 3   Cat 3: 3   Cat 4: 7  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Stuart Ross Clean Currents p/b Beyer Kia 0:48:58
2 Dennis Rainear Richmond Velo Sport 0:50:28
3 Roland Parsons Unattached 0:53:54
4 Reuben Santos Hilton Cycling Club / Walt Racing 0:53:55
5 James Degoey NCVC/UnitedHealthcare 0:56:17
6 Brad Cann 0:57:09
7 Mark Woolery 0:57:27
8 Bob Samuel TPC P/B Conte's 0:57:35
9 Thomas Tice The Bike Lane 0:58:07
10 Roger Kilgore PaxVelo 1:00:18
Finishers: Cat 3: 1   Cat 4: 7   Cat 5: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Ernie Chapman Fat Frogs 0:33:10
2 Peter Swan NCVC/UnitedHealthCare 0:33:48
3 Gerald Teeuwen Velo Racing Virginia Inc 0:36:28
4 William Hart Fat Frogs Racing 0:46:16
Finishers: Cat 3: 3   Cat 5: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Ali Ingram Velocita 0:51:43
2 Laura Cook Velocita 0:54:56 Teammate Win: Ali Ingram
Finishers: Cat 2: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Marci Hill Velocita 0:59:39
Finishers: Cat 3: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Taryn Hains Celerity cycling p/b Brooks Systems 0:56:01
2 Gisela Bell Fat Frogs 0:56:28
3 Ann Burns Richmond Velo Sport 0:57:17
4 Kirsten Fehrenkamp NCVC/UnitedHealthcare 0:57:44
5 Kerri Browne Team Kainer 1:01:48
6 Leslie Shroyer 1:02:09
7 Lisa Armistead Velocita Racing 1:03:20
8 Catherine Rapp Team Kainer 1:08:12 Teammate Top 5: Kerri Browne
Finishers: Cat 4: 5   Cat ?: 3  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 B Samuel Vanderkitten Racing 0:53:48
2 Gwenn Afton Evolution Cycling Club p/b Long & F 0:56:43
3 Wendy Ulmer Pixel Envy Cycling 1:08:05
Finishers: Cat 2: 1   Cat 3: 2