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Greenville Spring Series #1 • Feb 13 2016 • Greenville, SC
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By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Matthew Emerick The Southeast Endurance Project
2 Jeff Hall Cycle Haus
3 Tony King Cyclehaus Racing
4 Nicholas Able Race City Cycling
5 Josh Wiethop Cycle Haus Racing
6 Kevin Shealy
7 Doug Terry Cycle Haus Racing Teammate Top 5: Tony King
8 Kenneth Klimkowski GCB SuperiorLite
9 Ryan Mcclenny Lowcountry Racing
12 Jim Saunders Cycle Haus Racing Teammate Top 5: Tony King
13 Miren Ivankovic shalom house
14 David Kim
15 Kelvin Handy Cycle Haus Teammate Top 5: Jeff Hall
16 Kendall Calvin Race City Cycling Teammate Top 5: Nicholas Able
17 Forest Britt
18 Mark Osborn
19 Ramon Lopez
20 Brian Baack South Main Cycles Racing
21 Charles Palmer jr
22 Mark Boucher Cycle Haus Racing Teammate Top 5: Tony King
DNF Steven Mcglothlin Race City Cycling Teammate Top 5: Nicholas Able
23 Bennett Sansbury Cycle Haus Racing Teammate Top 5: Tony King
DNF Adam Smith
24 James Taylor Greenville Spinner Club
DNF Werther Bentine torres Cross Creek Cycling Club C4
DNF Mark Kelly CycleHaus Teammate Top 5: Jeff Hall
DNF Trent Brummett Cycle Haus Racing Teammate Top 5: Tony King
Finishers: Cat 5: 26   Cat ?: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Tim Tobbe Crosstown Velo
2 David Lovell
3 Gen Kogure Velosports Racing Asheville
4 Scott Edge Greenlife-Organic Valley p/b Hiball
5 Reece Haettich Pedalers Paradise
6 Matthew Tebbetts Crosstown Velo Teammate Win: Tim Tobbe
7 Todd Davis KCOI Boulevard
8 Yuans Halaixt
9 Price Howard RTO National
10 Erik Peterson Finish Strong Elite Cycling Team
11 Marcus Jones Crosstown Velo Teammate Win: Tim Tobbe
12 J Thomas smith Finish Strong Elite Cycling Team p/
13 Eric Ropp Shalom House Cycling
14 Brendan Canty Commonwealth Eye Surgery / CrankWor
15 James Beers Commonwealth Eye Surgury/Crankworks
16 Jefferson Parker Crosstown Velo Teammate Win: Tim Tobbe
17 David Flesher Low Country Racing Team
18 Sarah Matchett Race City Cycling
19 Chris Withers Shalom House Cycling team
20 George Moser Greenville Spinners Racing
DNF Rodney Dender Trappe Door Cycling
DNF Eric Jacobsen Cycle Haus Racing Team
DNF Shane Martin Classic Cycling
Finishers: Cat 1: 3   Cat 2: 8   Cat 3: 10   Cat 4: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Robert Mobley Team Rize
2 James Mead Giordana Clif Bar
3 Glenn Poupore Cycle Haus Racing
4 Shaun Walsh Shalom House
5 Randal Warren Downtown Asheville Racing Club
6 Jeff Marshall Shalom House
7 Rich Foley Cycle Haus Racing Teammate Top 5: Glenn Poupore
8 David Tucker Greenville Spinners Race Team
9 Joel Price Spinx Bike Race Team
10 Robert Thomas Team Rize Teammate Win: Robert Mobley
11 Michael Ventola Southeast Velo Racing
12 David Kyzer Spinx
13 Simon Harvey RTO National
14 Michael Grigat Team RIZE Teammate Win: Robert Mobley
15 Glenn Thrift Cycle Haus Racing Teammate Top 5: Glenn Poupore
16 Roger Payne Living Water Cycling
17 Bobby Hough Cycle Haus Racing Teammate Top 5: Glenn Poupore
18 Joe Lehner RTO National
19 Thomas Ratajczak Downtown Asheville Racing Club (DAR
20 Brian Jones Racerheads Sports and Leisure Club
21 William Kerrigan Blue Mountain Velo
22 Mac Canon Southeast Velo Racing
23 Clayton Griffin Shalom House Teammate Top 5: Shaun Walsh
24 Jeffrey May Outspokin
25 Kevin Meechan Downtown Asheville Racing Club Teammate Top 5: Randal Warren
26 Andrew Danfy Spinx Bike Race Team
27 Robert Potter Downtown Asheville Racing Club (DAR
28 Andy Meyer Village VW
29 Kirby Yoder NGCA Mission Source
30 John Strickland Prima Tappa Cycling Team
31 David Novak jr RTO National Cycling
32 Scott Miner Bike Law Cycling Club
33 Jim Brown Spinx Bike Race Team
34 Greg Morgan Spinx Bike Race Team
35 Arthur Danfy spinx race team
DNF Andy Meyer Village VW
DNF Charles Miller
Finishers: Cat 2: 3   Cat 3: 21   Cat 4: 11   Cat 5: 1   Cat ?: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 William Harrison Clemmons Bicycle Racing
2 Kyle Danner Cycle Haus Racing
3 Erich Mesquita lima Mars Hill University
4 Baker Watts RTO National
5 Michael Root Greenville Spinners Bicycle Club
6 Chris Mathis Cycle Center
7 Willie Fowlkes RTO national Teammate Top 5: Baker Watts
8 Cliff Kugler Cycle Haus Racing Teammate Top 5: Kyle Danner
9 Rand Allison Lowcountry Racing
10 Charles Ramsbotham
11 Matthew Jogodnik Montclair Bikery Development Team
12 Eric Calder UpState Jr Cycling-Les Amis/Calder
13 Josh Payne Living Water Cycling
14 Ron Babington Greenville Spinners
15 Spencer Crowe Craft Factory Racing
16 Ian Broadhead Magic Cycles
17 Rob Stout
18 Greg Campbell RTO National Teammate Top 5: Baker Watts
19 Nick Dallesandro Lowcountry Racing
20 Luke Barnett RTO National Cycling Teammate Top 5: Baker Watts
21 R Scott hellman Lowcountry Racing
22 Jason Connelly Team Zoom
23 Jack Felix Robson Forensic
24 David Hoffman MOAB Masters Racing
26 Hugo Schreur Dornier Racing
DNF Luis Berrios Berrios Racing
DNF W. Harrison nguy Frazier Cycling
DNF David Heath Frazier Cycling
DNF Thomas Savage
Finishers: Cat 3: 28   Cat ?: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Peter Jasnoch C C Evesham
2 Jordan Foster
3 Chase Morris
4 Walter Montoya CYCLE HAUS
5 Patrick Hartmann Rock 'N' Roll Lubrication
6 Jaymes Graham Tumult Racing
7 Connor Benson Dornier Racing
8 Chris Sparace Shalom House
9 John Glover Crosstown Velo
10 Henry Davis KCOI Boulevard
11 Justin Ruzicka Cycle Haus Teammate Top 5: Walter Montoya
12 Sean Noonan Souteast Velo Racing
13 Alastair Pounder Dornier Racing
14 Jeff Safrit Southest Velo Racing
15 Eric Moore Upstate Junior Cycling / Les Amis C
16 Nathan Hake Mars Hill University
17 Josh Wilson Greenville Spinners Bicycle Club
18 Cole Garrett Cycle Haus Racing
19 Yukio Mariner
20 Luis Zapata
21 Michael Montgomery
22 Zachery Carmel
23 Moises Castro Southeast Velo Racing
24 Michael Mclawhorn Mars Hill University
25 Thomas Cason
26 Ben Douglas Montclair Bikery Development Team
27 Thomas Haedrich Team Greenville Health System
28 Kyle Morgan Cycle Haus Racing
DNF Jacob Kuper I Am Racing
DNF Nicolas Federico Frazier Cycling Juniors
DNF Blake Wilson Frazier Cycling
Finishers: Cat 4: 30   Cat 5: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Ben Campbell Village Wrench
2 Doug Oneal Villlage Wrench Supported By Gloryc
3 Devin Jones Cool Breeze Trek Bike Store
4 Chris Leavitt Village Wrench Supported by Glory C
5 Mark Hoffman
6 Christopher Sacco Presbyterian College Cycling
7 Seth Jones Tumult Levine Law Group Racing p/b
8 Josh Lacelle RTO National Cycling
9 David Neri
10 Glenn Carroll
11 Parker Lindley Asheville Street and Dirt
12 Brad Beadles Cycle Haus Racing
13 Thomas Pierczynski Cycle Haus
14 Cody Buford
15 Edward Schurr Cycle Haus
16 Benjamin Xiao
17 Michael Solomon Amore & Vita-USA Racing
18 Cj Burford Evolution Jr. Devo
19 Thomas Howser Southeast Velo Racing
DNF Brooks Wienke Upstate Junior Cycling/Calder Broth
DNF Jordan Kohn Giovannis Tile Design Racing p/b Ro
Finishers: Cat 4: 1   Cat 5: 18   Cat ?: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Colin Joyce UCI CT: Axeon Hagens Berman
2 Benjamin Renkema Finish Strong
3 Evan Murphy Lupus Racing Team
4 Alder Martz
5 Stephen Bassett UCI CT: Team Jamis
6 Marcos Lazzarotto Lupus Racing Team
7 Mac Brennan UCI CT: Holowesko | Citadel Racing
8 David Walls High Country Devolopment
9 Philip O'donnell UCI CT: Axeon Hagens Berman Teammate Win: Colin Joyce
10 Timothy Mccollum Revolve Residential p/b Pre-Reg.com
11 Winston David Lupus Racing Team Teammate Top 5: Evan Murphy
12 John Croom Levine Law Group p/b Jakroo
13 John Butler * Lowcountry Racing
14 Timo Heister Shalom House Cycling
15 Eric Serantoni Low Country Racing
16 Nicholas Luther Greenville Health Systems
17 Justin Mcquerry Team Novo Nordisk Development
18 Patrick Weddell HC Devo p/b Pactimo/Ortho Carolina
20 Chris Uberti The 706 Project
21 Michael Reidenbach Amore & Vita-USA Racing
22 Joshua Whitmore Organic Valley / Hiball Energy
23 John Delong Amore&Vita-USA Racing
24 Ryan Robinson Shalom House Cycling
25 Shane Martin Classic Cycling
26 Chad Salla Greenville Health Systems
27 Brad Harman Shalom House
28 Andrew Baker Greenville Cycling & Multi-Sport
29 Jonathan Brown Axeon Hagens Berman/ Pro Cycling Te
30 Benjamin Wolfe UCI CT: Jelly Belly p/b Maxxis
31 Parker Kyzer Finish Strong Teammate Top 5: Benjamin Renkema
32 Reid Beloni Organic Valley / Hiball Energy
33 Zachary King Shalom House
34 Andy Lougher Ridley Masters p/b Reality Bikes
DNF Oscar Jimenez
DNF Mattheiu Jeannes Lupus Racing Team Teammate Top 5: Evan Murphy
DNF Lang Reynolds Revolve Residential
DNF Carlos Norena Finish Strong Teammate Top 5: Benjamin Renkema
DNF David Hall The Southeast Endurance Project
DNF Bradford Perley Giant Bicycles South
DNF Robert Watkins The Southeast Endurance Project
DNF Thomas Goetz Team Towpath p/b Rochester Solar Te
DNF Adam Everest Lowcountry Racing
DNF Brendan Rhim UCI CT: Holowesko | Citadel Racing
DNF Dylan Cantrell Mission Souce
DNF Jeannes Mattheiu
DNF Micah Milne Hincapie Junior Development
Finishers: Cat 1: 26   Cat 2: 18   Cat 4: 1   Cat ?: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Jennifer Caicedo Finish Strong Elite Cycling Team p/
2 Debbie Milne Stradalli Cycles/ Papa Johns Racing
3 Karen Muehl Uptown Cycles
4 Jennifer Wakeman RTO National
5 Sarah Matchett Race City Cycling
6 Alexandra Christofalos JETCycling / Mars Hill University
7 Laura Calvin Race City Cycling Teammate Top 5: Sarah Matchett
8 Amy Hill
DNF Megan Heath Frazier Cycling
DNF Jane Tullis Frazier Cycling
Finishers: Cat 1: 2   Cat 2: 2   Cat 3: 6  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Teresa O sullivan American Dornier Racing
2 Kristie Summers
3 Keren Bennett Evolution Jr Devo
4 Merrill Thierman American Dornier Racing Teammate Win: Teresa O sullivan
5 Kristina Mears RTO National Cycling
6 Jamie Hudson Team Zoom
7 Conny Walker Finish Strong (Endurance)
DNF Isabella Nguy Frazier Cycling
DNF Josie Ritchie Mars Hill University
Finishers: Cat 4: 9