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Cross Winds Classic • Feb 25 2012
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By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
2 Peter Eckel S3 Racing Team
3 Jonathan Korzekwa Marx and Bensdo
4 Hunter East OKC Velo
5 Trevor Johnson US Military Cyc
6 Josh Estes Team Athlete Fo
7 Bryant Funston Marx-Bensdorf C
8 Nick Rogers BMC/Walmart
9 Todd Hickman Memphis Velo
10 Levi Baker Athlete Forward
11 Ben Silk Bicyles of Tuls
12 Peter Beland BMC/Walmart
13 Michael Carpenter 901 Racing
14 Brad Anderson Cirque du Velos
15 Larry Yancey BMC/Walmart
Finishers: Cat 1: 5   Cat 2: 9   Cat 3: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Danny Boone Marx & Bensdorf
2 Karl Hanson CARVE
3 Brian Metz Tulsa Tough
4 Dale Sanford Marx/Bensdorf - Teammate Win: Danny Boone
5 Zack Lavergne Park Place Deal
6 Michael Mattox CARVE
7 Todd Mosley Memphis Velo
8 Tim Moore 901 Racing
9 Philip Stauner tulsa wheelmen
10 Luis Galaviz Team Athlete Forward
11 Chad Payne Buffalo River C
12 Robert Mooney Arkansas Cylcin
13 Patrick Emery CARVE Teammate Top 5: Karl Hanson
14 Zane Jeffers Leborne
15 Charles Emmons CARVE Teammate Top 5: Karl Hanson
16 Roger Mangham CARVE Teammate Top 5: Karl Hanson
17 Vincent Ferguson SimplexQ
18 Richard Hardin 901 Racing
19 Ryan Johnson Snapple
20 Don Panarisi cirque du vélos
21 Steve Pavlovic Memphis Velo /
22 John Robertson BMC/Walmart
23 Blake Robertson 901 Racing
24 Rafael Santiago TULSA TOUGH RAC
25 Chris Spencer 901 Racing
26 Will Stoffel Marx Bensdorf/A
27 Mark Yoshida Marx-Bensdorf/A
28 Robert Newell Snapple
29 Ryan Bosio Marx-Bensdorf C
DNF Philip Daniele M&B Cycling / A
DNF Peter Reed QCW
Finishers: Cat 3: 29   Cat 4: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Kyle Kruger Snapple Cycling
2 Zack Sutton OBRU/The Bicycl
3 Christopher Winter MB-BPC/ACCM
4 Jacob Cauble BMC/Walmart
5 Robert Dennis Cirque du Velos
6 Richard Patterson BPC Cycling
7 Steve Fermanich BPC Cycling Tea
8 Jonathan Barnes DNA Racing
9 Jacob Beers Dickson St. Cyc
10 Ben Craig BMC/Walmart Teammate Top 5: Jacob Cauble
11 Bill Sowers BMC/Walmart Teammate Top 5: Jacob Cauble
12 Matt Wickett Tom's Bicycles
13 Keegan Knapp CARVE
14 Evan East CARVE
15 Larry Fogarty Cirque du Velos Teammate Top 5: Robert Dennis
16 Tim Rainey Cirque du velos Teammate Top 5: Robert Dennis
17 John Elmore CARVE
18 Christopher Glenn Cirque du Velos Teammate Top 5: Robert Dennis
19 Derek King The Ride
20 Alan Rothrock BPC Cycling
21 Joe Swanson Cirque du Velos Teammate Top 5: Robert Dennis
22 Paul Barnes 360 Sports
23 Jason Bramlett Dickson Street
24 Dale Chrystie BPC Cycling
25 Chad Cragle Arkansas Cyclin
26 Justin Davis 360 Sports Raci
27 James Gillum Central Arkansa
28 Stephen Heard Competitive Ind
29 Mike Keenan cirque du vélos
30 Craig Russell Cirque du Velos Teammate Top 5: Robert Dennis
31 Jake Schneidewind Team Athlete Forward
32 Keith Stewart BMC/Walmart Teammate Top 5: Jacob Cauble
33 Clayton Wilkins LeBorne
34 Kurt Searvogel Arkansas Cycle
35 Erik Dulaney Team Athlete Forward
36 John Gillum CARVE
37 Robbie Hemmer Carve
38 Randy Mckinnon BPC Cycling Tea
39 Michael Suminski BMC/Walmart Teammate Top 5: Jacob Cauble
40 Jason Diggle Unattached
41 Ben Rowell BMC/Walmart Teammate Top 5: Jacob Cauble
DNF Nathan Bowers Snapple Cycling Teammate Win: Kyle Kruger
DNF Alex Bumpers Arkansas Cyclin
DNF William Yonkowski cirque du velos Teammate Top 5: Robert Dennis
DNF Andrew Baldes Mercy Cycling
DNF Nicholas Collins Orlando Road Cl
DNF Curt Arthur cirque du velos Teammate Top 5: Robert Dennis
DNF Shane Collins Orlando Road Cl
DNF Ross Davis CARVE
DNF Cody Rankin CARVE
DNF Terry Coddington SuperCool
DNF Jason Evans BMC/Walmart Teammate Top 5: Jacob Cauble
Finishers: Cat 3: 3   Cat 4: 43   Cat 5: 6  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 William Greene BPC
2 Grant Lewis Unattached
3 Thomas Anderson Gearhead Outfit
4 Mike Byrum The Ride
5 Logan Hall Unattached
7 Clifton Gurley Amateur Cycling
8 Nathan Billings Unattached
9 Greg Kassaw Unattached
10 William Watts CARVE
11 Nicholas Schoenemann Unattached
12 Christopher Baugh BMC/Walmart
13 Seth Bemis Unattached
14 Shane Chastain Unattached
15 Bubba Ezzell 901 Racing
16 Reed Fisher Unattached
17 Frazer Gieselmann Cirque du velos
18 Larkin Grisanti 901 Racing
19 Andrew Hall Carve
20 Matt Kaczor Unattached
21 Chris Keeling CARVE
22 John Mark pierce Unattached
23 Gary Rabatin Unattached
24 Reed Wells Unattached
25 Michael Philippsen Unattached
26 John Martin Unattached
27 Micah Patterson Spokes
28 Jonathan Mulligan Buffalo Cycling Promotions
29 Matt Mcculley BPC Cycling Tea
30 Charles Greenfield Arkansas Cyclin
31 Austin Gooch BPC Cycling Tea
32 Andrew Holub Unattached
33 Scott Darnell Unattached
34 David Vong Ozark Cycling C
35 Jonathan Jenkins Team Athlete Forward
36 Harrison Maddox CARVE
37 Benjamin Rogers Ozark Cycling C
38 Shanely Mullikin Competitive Ind
39 Brett Robinson Team Lewis & Cl
40 Kyle Krennerich Unattached
41 Tyler Wilson Unattached
42 Chris Reimers Competitive Ind
DNF Ben Muse Unattached
Finishers: Cat 4: 2   Cat 5: 32   Cat ?: 9  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Brett Shanaman BPC Cycling/Ama
2 Greg Halliday BPC Cycling
3 Rod Yates BPC Cycling Tea
4 Michael Powell CARVE
5 Chuck Bolton Wolf River Race
6 Paul Burns BMC/Walmart
7 Richard Eagan BMC/Walmart
8 Erik Gilbert Unattached
9 Alan Lutz BMC/Walmart
10 Edward Obrien Cirque du Velos
11 Mark Parker 901 Racing
12 Doug Sonheim Unattached
13 Jon Stettler 360 Sports (owa
14 Tad Thornton jrmc
15 Scott Vallier Marx-Bensdorf/B
16 Michael Wright Cirque du Velos
17 Mitchell Pearce Team Athlete Forward
18 Octavio Subia Marx-Bensdorf-B
19 Mark Cumberbatch Arkansas Bicycl
20 Scott Scholl AR Cycling
21 Daniel Salinas Bob's Bicyles
22 John Dyas BMC/Walmart
23 Justin Slarks CARVE Teammate Top 5: Michael Powell
24 Robert Smith CARVE Teammate Top 5: Michael Powell
25 John Lloyd The Community B
26 Jim Little Unattached
27 David Bazley Nacogdoches Bic
28 Jeremyc Ellis Tallulah Pools
29 Van Miller Unattached
DNF Rene' Lavergne Catholic High L
Finishers: Cat 4: 1   Cat 5: 23   Cat ?: 6  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Nathan Ley BMC/Walmart
2 Turner Lloyd The Community B
3 Wyatt Hoyt spokes
4 Morgan Baugh BMC CYCLING
Finishers: Cat 5: 3   Cat ?: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Connor Bazley Nacogdoches Bic
2 Ethan Burson Leborne Develop
3 Zachary Smith Leborne Develop
Finishers: Cat 5: 3  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Keith Jordan Team Athlete Forward
2 Tim Duvall Team Athlete Forward Teammate Win: Keith Jordan
3 Steve Pascoe Team Athlete Forward Teammate Win: Keith Jordan
4 Eugene Kersh Dickson Street
5 Anthony La sorsa OKC Velo
6 Jd Mccay OKC Velo
7 Chris Welch Team LaSport
8 Pat Zimmerman DSCC
9 Bruce Dunn Team Athlete Forward Teammate Win: Keith Jordan
10 John Ed moore Team Athlete Forward Teammate Win: Keith Jordan
11 Bob Ocken CARVE
12 Chris Wilcox Tulsa Wheelmen/
13 Ben Upchurch Snapple
14 Maradian Bell Edge City Cycli
15 Danny Hamilton Snapple Cycling
16 John Welch Team LaS'port
Finishers: Cat 2: 1   Cat 3: 7   Cat 4: 6   Cat 5: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Steven Auchterlonie DSCC Snapple
2 Timothy Taylor Jackson Spokes
3 Jimmy Reed Marx Bensdorf
4 Pete Lantz Tulsa Tough
5 Edgardo Delgado-guijarro tulsa tough rac
6 Bob Brown OKC Velo
7 Robert Fegtly CARVE
8 Sam Roberts Tulsa Wheelmen
9 Jerry Daniel Unattached
10 Carl Sundquist Snapple Cycling
11 Frederick Beland BMC
12 Rick Carpenter Marx & Bensdorf Teammate Top 5: Jimmy Reed
13 Don Fletcher CARVE
14 Rick Hoyt spokes
15 Paul Komarek Team Athlete Forward
16 Rick Sederberg Unattached
17 Jim Nabakowski memphis velo
18 John Ashby Team Edge
19 Roman Strand Unattached
20 Joseph Jacobs Unattached
DNF Chuck Richesin CARVE
Finishers: Cat 1: 1   Cat 3: 8   Cat 4: 5   Cat 5: 5   Cat ?: 2  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Pamela Tate Marx-Bensdorf C
2 Scotti Lechuga Leborne Develop
3 Angela Crone Amateur Cycling
4 Tammy Bray LeBorne Development
5 Marda Kaiser rehnelt Marx and Bensdo
6 Julie Cook Marx and Bensdo
Finishers: Cat 2: 1   Cat 3: 3   Cat 4: 1   Cat ?: 1  
By Age: All | U20 | 20-29 | 30-39 | 40-49 | 50-59 | 60+ | Custom
By Category: All | Custom
Pl First NameLast NameTeamTime
1 Rebecca Desso Marx Bensdorf
2 Damie Roberts Los Locos
3 Lindsay Reed Amateur Cycling
4 Marcia Scott Marx-Bensdorf C
5 Emily Hartman Central Arkansas Velo/CARVE
6 Mary Simonson Unattached
7 Lauren Bailey CARVE Teammate Top 5: Emily Hartman
Finishers: Cat 4: 6   Cat ?: 1